Scientific Articles and Press Releases

Scientific Article "Catalytic methane decomposition to boost the energy transition: Scientific and technological advancements", in Journal Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews


Decarbonization of the energy sector is a topic of paramount importance to avoid irreversible global warming. Hydrogen has been considered as the most suitable option to replace fossil fuels in industrial, residential and transport applications. However, hydrogen production has been almost limited to the reforming of hydrocarbons, which release large amounts of CO2, thus requiring several downstream purification processes.

Catalytic methane decomposition consists of the low-temperature cracking of methane, producing only COx-free hydrogen and solid carbon. This process has the unique potential to make the swift transition for a fully decarbonized economy and beyond: the methane decomposition of biomethane removes CO2 from the atmosphere at competitive costs. Yet, industrialization of catalytic methane decomposition has been hindered by the insufficient stability assigned to catalyst deactivation due to carbon clogging.

This article reviews not only the main accomplishments on methane decomposition since it was firstly reported, but also addresses technical barriers that have hindered its industrialization. Unlike other previous reviews that focused mainly on catalysts, more attention was put on the reactor design, catalyst regeneration strategies and processing of products (hydrogen purification and economic overview). The goal is to identify challenges and provide solutions for the industrialization paradigm that methane decomposition has faced up to now.

Conference Proceedings "Development of Proton Conducting Ceramic Cells in Metal Supported Architecture", in Journal ECS Transactions


Metal-Supported (MS) architecture offers various advantages over state-of-the-art ceramic supported SOCs, such as high tolerance towards thermal/redox cycling that are key features for flexible and reliable operation in high temperature fuel cell and electrolysis applications. Our target is to develop Proton-conducting Ceramic Cells (PCC) in MS architecture, of which combination can provide potentially high performances, mechanical stability, and flexibility for wide range of electrochemical applications. The key challenge in the development of MS-PCC is to find a feasible process to fabricate gas-tight electrolyte on the porous metal substrate without degrading the metal support and the electrolyte. Our strategy is implementing multilayers combining wet chemical processes below 1000°C for the functional electrode and dry Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) techniques below 800°C for the gas-tight electrolyte coating. In this paper, we present our recent results in the development of MS-PCC half cells. The materials selection for MS and PCC components, functional layer processing, and electrolyte layer deposition techniques are discussed.

Perspective Article "Understanding catalytic methane decomposition: a swift and cost-effective energy decarbonization pathway", in Open Access Government


A game-changer low temperature catalytic methane decomposition process proved already >2500 h of continuous operation at 550°C with a constant catalyst productivity of 0.64 gH2/gCat/h. But the experiment is going on, aiming at reaching over 6000 h of fully stable operation, by September 2023; at that moment the technology will reach the stability milestone for becoming a commercial solution.

The methane decomposition membrane reactor operates between 550°C and 700°C producing pure hydrogen.

The carbon by-product is >90 % graphitic, which is a quite valorized carbon and especially suitable for making electric conductive carbon paints, electrodes for electrochemical devices, bipolar plates for PEMFC (polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell) and redox flow batteries, anodes of sodium-ion batteries, among a variety of other high-value applications. But these carbon particles of ca. 100 μm can also find use for making concrete, asphalt for streets and fertilizers for soil. However, the most amazing thing is that this carbon by-product can be tuned for its properties modifying the catalyst and changing the operating conditions, getting the best of the two products from the methane decomposition reaction.

Press Release "FEUP leads multi-million project to produce energy without emitting polluting gases", in News at University of Porto


A research team led by Adélio Mendes, researcher at the Laboratory of Process Engineering, Environment, Biotechnology and Energy (LEPABE) at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP), has just secured funding under the Horizon 2020 program of the European Union, with a total value of 3.5 million euros, to be applied in the development of a technology that allows the production of energy without the emission of greenhouse gases/pollutants.

The researchers want this technology to be low cost, sustainable, fast to implement, able to be used in stationary and mobile applications and always available to be used when needed.

“From a perspective of optimizing the project, I believe that we can still aim for this technology not only to not emit polluting gases, but to be able to remove them from the atmosphere”, admits Adélio Mendes.

And how does it all work? Through the decomposition of biomethane, in which the carbon dioxide collected by the biomass is transformed into charcoal, mimicking the natural process.

Press Release "Adélio Mendes – 112CO2 Project Wants to Reduce Carbon Dioxide Emissions", in


This project is studying the development of a technology capable of converting methane into coal and hydrogen in a sustainable way.​

Adélio Mendes, full professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP), is developing the 112CO2 project with the aim of developing a green hydrogen production technology at competitive costs.

The idea is to transform biogas into coal and hydrogen at lower costs than hydrolysis, and more competitive compared to the conventional process of producing hydrogen from natural gas, taking into account the costs related to the removal and sequestration of the carbon dioxide produced during this reaction.

“We are facing an absolutely disruptive process that promises not only not to emit carbon dioxide in the production of hydrogen, but also to remove it from the atmosphere”, Prof. Adélio discloses.

This technology could be applied in engines of large vehicles such as trains, trucks and even cargo ships, and, in addition to the low cost, it will also have the ability to capture carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

According to Adélio Mendes, this technology will allow the removal of one part per million of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere per year.

The 112CO2 project is funded by European funds under the Horizon 2020 programme.

Press Release "112CO2 Project Emergency CO2 Low Temperature Catalytic Methane Decomposition For COx Free Hydrogen Production", in


Methane decomposition (MD) reaction, also known as methane pyrolysis, allows the conversion of methane from natural gas or biomethane into solid carbon and hydrogen with high purity:

CH4 → C (s) + 2H2 ΔH0 = 75.3 kJ mol-1

This reaction has the unique feature of being 100% selective. Apart from allowing the swift decarbonization of the energy, when biomethane is used, this reaction has the power to remove CO2 from the atmosphere as it produces H2 at very competitive costs. This technology enables using the present storage and distribution infrastructure for natural gas and produces H2 to be used locally as a fuel for electricity/ heat or as feedstock for chemical industries (steel production, ammonia synthesis, reversal petrochemistry, etc.).

Considering only the price of the raw materials, H2 from the decomposition of natural gas costs 1.9 €/kg, while biomethane-derived H2 costs 2.2 €/kg. At the present prices of CO2 allowances, >60 €/ton, this process saves 0.54 €/kg of H2. The MD of biomethane removes CO2 from the atmosphere. Assuming a cost for the direct air capture of CO2 of 150 €/ton and for its sequestration of 50/ton, per 1 kg of H2 produced, 0.60 € are saved in capture and sequestration of CO2.

The industrialization of catalytic MD has been hindered so far by the extremely fast catalyst deactivation, which is caused by the inevitable coverage of catalytic sites by the formed solid carbon. Competing institutions/companies are developing high temperatures MD processes involving either metal liquid reactors or reactors using carbon catalyst particles; however, these approaches are energy-intensive, dangerous to operate and display low catalytic activity.

112CO2, a FET-Proactive project, aims at developing a disruptive low temperature (ca. 550 °C) methane decomposition process, using abundant and cheap metallic catalysts. Briefly, the designed reactor uses Ni-based catalysts, which are very active but need to be cyclically regenerated. It is expected to reach >0.45 gH2 gCat -1 h-1 and stable for at least 10 000 h.

The project, which has started in September 2020, gathers some of the finest EU research laboratories and companies, including University of Porto, author of this new MD concept; Pixel Voltaic Lda., which is a spin-off company from UPorto, responsible for designing the process lab prototype; CSIC to synthetize the catalysts; DLR to develop proton conducting ceramics for efficient and cost-effective H2 purification; EPFL responsible for the dissemination activities; Paul Wurth S.A. and Quantis for performing life cycle assessment and economic analysis.

As explained by Adélio Mendes, professor at the University of Porto and project coordinator: "preliminary results allowed to reach a maximum catalytic activity of 3 gH2 gCat -1 h-1 and proved that the cyclic regeneration allows keeping the catalyst at its maximum catalytic activity. Initial experiments demonstrated worldrecord stabilities, using a compact reactor loaded with commercial and non-optimized catalysts." 112CO2 also proposes an ambitious communication strategy, aiming to involve stakeholders, investors, researchers, youngsters, and students for this emergent technology.

112CO2 project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under the grant agreement No 952219.

Press Release "112CO2: Low temperature catalytic methane decomposition for COx-free hydrogen production", in


Adélio Mendes, Full Professor from University of Porto and coordinator of 112CO2 project, describes the concept of low temperature catalytic methane decomposition for COx-free hydrogen production.

The world needs a disruptive tech-nology to quickly decarbonise the energy sector; the success of this technology critically depends on its social acceptance, sustainability, low-cost and fast implementation. The 112CO2 team believes to have this technology in place, the so-called methane decomposition is required for the cost-effective production of carbon-free hydrogen.

Methane decomposition for COx-free hydrogen production

Methane decomposition (MD) reaction converts methane from natural gas or biomethane into solid carbon and hydrogen. With the advantage of being 100% selective, this reaction has the power to produce clean hydrogen and remove atmospheric carbon dioxide at competitive costs. The state-of-the-art process for producing hydrogen from MD uses a moving bed reactor loaded with coal pellets, running at ~1400°C. The main objectives within the framework of 112CO2 are to bring the temperature down to 550°C and produce pure hydrogen in a compact, transportable, cheap and stable reactor; low stabilities are an issue at low-temperature processes. The 112CO2 project started in September 2020 and gathers some of the most outstanding EU research laboratories and companies (UPORTO, CSIC, DLR, EPFL, Pixel Voltaic, Paul Wurth, Quantis).

“The main innovations that are being addressed within 112CO2 are: i) making the MD catalyst very active, stable and regenerable; ii) high temperature hydrogen electrochemical pumping and purification; and iii) demonstrate a compact and efficient reactor to be operated at low temperatures.”

Press Release "The hydrogen paradigm: challenges and unrest about the energy transition. The case study of 112CO2", in Journal Research Brief of Institute of Sociology of University of Porto


The world needs a disruptive technology to very quickly decarbonize the energy; the success of this technology depends heavily on its social acceptance, sustainability and fast and easy implementation. The proponents of 112CO2 believe to have this technology. Imagine that a new chemical reactor would make possible to use methane, an easy to transport and to store fuel, either fossil, renewable or synthetic, for producing COx-free hydrogen in a cost-effective way. Imagine that this approach could be implemented swiftly, taking advantage of the present infrastructure. 112CO2 project is about producing hydrogen from low temperature methane decomposition (MD), a 100 % selective reaction - CH4 → C (s) + 2 H2. The use of methane from biogas allows actively to remove CO2 from the atmosphere (negative carbon balance) but, if using fossil methane, there will be no COx emissions. 112CO2 project aims at developing a low temperature MD catalyst, easy to regenerate and very active, > 0.45 gH2/gCat/h and stable for at least 10 000 h. 112CO2 proposes an innovative regeneration step based on the selective hydrogenation of the carbon attaching interface with the catalyst, allowing to release the coke particles and the recovery of the catalytic activity. Proponents succeed very recently to demonstrate, in a 500-h experiment, that this approach is possible and easily accomplishable. A membrane reactor, made of a stack of individual cells for producing hydrogen and a stack for pumping out this fuel cell grade hydrogen, will be developed for running at ca. 600 °C and to display > 0.05 gH2/cm3/h, an energy density comparable to the PEMFC. The proposed MD reactor is suitable for mobile as well as for stationary applications. 112CO2 project proposes also an ambitious communication strategy, aim at to involve investors, existing companies, researchers, youngsters, undergraduate and graduate students for this new technology and engage them in the urgent energy decarbonization endeavour.

Research Article "Green Utopia Now! A Transdisciplinary Symposium on How to Deal with the Climate Crisis" in Utopian Studies (2023) 34 (2): 368–377


How could we come together in transdisciplinary collaboration to deal with the climate crisis? Could utopianism be what brings us together? Last summer (2022) we started asking ourselves these questions, and months later Green Utopia Now! A Transdisciplinary Symposium on How to Deal with the Climate Crisis was our initial attempt at finding an answer. The symposium was an ambitious and challenging venture from the start. Our aspirations for it were perhaps still formulated best in the event program:

Fortunately, eleven guest speakers accepted the challenge, and their answers were unsurprisingly diverse.

If we are to approach the vicissitudes of the climate crisis, we must, as Hannah Nelson-Teutsch and Lena Pfeifer recently called for, seek “new, entangled form(at)s of scholarship in the humanities.”1 These entanglements have become even more obvious in the ways in which research on the climate and environmental crises challenges the very limits of humanities and...

Research Article "Stakeholders’ perceptions of hydrogen and reflections on energy transition governance" in Energy, Sustainability and Society (2024) 14, 15


There is a race to innovate, develop or create hydrogen production technologies to accelerate energy transition and create a hydrogen economy. Acceptance has been used in social science literature as a lens through which to anticipate possible challenges surrounding hydrogen technologies. However, very few studies problematize perceptions and focus on the production of hydrogen. Hence, this study aims to bridge these theoretical and empirical gaps using a mixed-method approach based on semi-structured interviews (n = 7) and a questionnaire survey (n = 73) to understand stakeholders’ perceptions of hydrogen production sources through a social construction of technology lens.

Research Article "Regeneration of methane splitting catalysts by interfacial hydrogenation" in Chem. Eng. J. (2024) 500, 157046


Methane splitting, also known as decomposition or pyrolysis, has a unique potential to accelerate the transition from the current carbon-based economy towards the foreseen hydrogen economy. Low-temperature catalytic methane splitting systems are unavailable due to fast catalyst deactivation, caused by solid carbon that encapsulates the catalyst. Catalyst regeneration must be performed to reactivate the catalyst and achieve a long-term operational lifetime. This can be accomplished by cyclically refeeding a portion of the produced hydrogen back to the catalyst, which promotes the hydrogenation of carbon atoms, preferentially at the interface between carbon deposits and catalytic nanoparticles. Interfacial hydrogenation ideally breaks the bonds that connect carbon allotrope products to the metal catalyst, causing the former to detach, and freeing the catalytic metal surface for further reaction. In this work, a proof-of-concept of this technology is provided, showing the full regeneration of a bulk-type Ni catalyst during 22 cycles of methane splitting, at 550 °C and 1  bar. Furthermore, a commercial SiO2-Al2O3-supported Ni catalyst has been used to study the regenerability of a highly active nanostructured material by interfacial hydrogenation, using different reactor designs. It has been demonstrated that regeneration is beneficial to improve the stability of Ni-based systems, at the applied working conditions. Nevertheless, tip-grown carbon nanotubes were considered as a cause of permanent deactivation, which could not be solved by refeeding hydrogen into the system.

Research Article "High-performance hydrogen separation using cellulose-based carbon molecular sieve membranes" in J. Membr. Sci. (2024) 693, 122337


Cellulose-based carbon molecular sieve membranes were designed for hydrogen deblending from natural gas and hydrogen recovery from other relevant industrial sources. The crystallinity of the cellulose precursor was increased by adding propylene glycol, which originated a carbon membrane with a permeability to the hydrogen of 544 barrer and an H2/CH4 permselectivity of ca. 3500 (Robeson index = 100). A careful optimization of the carbonization conditions of the cellulose precursor boosted the carbon membrane permeability to hydrogen to 1144 barrer and the H2/CH4 permselectivity to 1080 (Robeson index = 62). The membrane with the highest permeability to hydrogen presented the highest micropore volume of 0.443 cm3·g−1 and a micropore surface area of 1326 m2·g−1.A detailed techno-economic analysis of the hydrogen recovery from the natural gas was performed. It was concluded that a single-stage carbon membrane module can recover hydrogen with a concentration of 99.8 % and a specific cost of 0.26 €·kgH2−1 for a hydrogen recovery of 68 %. A two-stage membrane process was simulated to deliver a purity >99.997 % and a recovery of 96 %, with a specific cost of 1.8 €·kgH2−1. The carbon membranes prepared in this work are highly competitive with other separation processes for the recovery and purification of hydrogen from different industrial processes essential for the decarbonization.

Research Article "Effect of macro-structure of Ni-based catalysts on methane splitting systems" in Fuel (2025) 37, 133115


Methane splitting, also known as methane decomposition or cracking, is an emergent technology to allow swift energy decarbonization since it produces hydrogen without emitting CO2. This work aims at improving hydrogen production from low temperature methane splitting process catalyzed on Ni surfaces. Six different systems were evaluated for their productivity: Ni-foil (pristine and acid treated), Ni particles deposited on α–Al2O3 and on carbon felt, and SiO2-Al2O3-supported Ni catalyst deposited on α–Al2O3 and on carbon felt. Ni-foil displayed negligible hydrogen production even after chemical abrasion treatments were used to increase the surface area. For α–Al2O3 substrates, the coating of Ni/SiO2-Al2O3 vastly outperformed the bulk Ni system (ca. 40 vs 0.011 gH2·gNi–1 total hydrogen production). Depositing bulk Ni on carbon felt improved total hydrogen production to ca. 0.095 gH2·gNi–1. Ni/SiO2-Al2O3 deposited over carbon felt was particularly stable (40 gH2·gNi–1 total hydrogen production), presenting an activity loss rate of ca. 0.011·gH2·gNi–1·h−2, compared to ca. 0.020 gH2·gNi–1·h−2 for the Ni/SiO2-Al2O3 deposited over α–Al2O3. Furthermore, the mechanical integrity of the carbon felt-deposited film was shown to be maintained, while the α–Al2O3-deposited film structure collapsed, due to carbon formation.


Presentation entitled "Energy Technologies: a magical bubbling world", by Adélio Mendes (UPORTO)
Location: Aveiro, Portugal


Name of the Event

Comemoração 150 anos Alfredo da Silva – A química para a vida

Type of Event

Oral Presentation at Conference



Presentation entitled "Artificial Photosynthesis of Chemicals from CO2 and H2O", by Dan Ren (EPFL)
Location: Online


Name of the Event

Lecture at Linkoping University-"Advanced Materials for Solar Energy Harvesting"

Type of Event

Oral Presentation in Training Session



Presentation entitled "Development of Proton Conducting Ceramic Cells in Metal Supported Architecture", by Noriko Sata & Feng Han (DLR)
Location: Online


Name of the Event

17th International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC-XVII)

Type of Event

Oral presentation at Seminar/Webinar



Poster entitled "New Insights into the Interface of Electrochemical Flow Cells for Carbon Dioxide Reduction to Ethylene", by Dan Ren & Michael Graetzel (EPFL)
Location: Online


Name of the Event

International Solar Fuels Conference 2021

Type of Event

Poster Presentation at Conference



Presentation entitled "112CO2 Project", by Tiago Lagarteira & Adélio Mendes (UPORTO)
Location: Online


Name of the Event

EIC Innovation Bootcamp 2.0

Type of Event

Oral Presentation at Training Session



Presentation entitled "112CO2 Project", by Pixel Voltaic
Location: Online


Name of the Event

"Prémios EmpreendedorXXI"

Type of Event

Oral Presentation at Business Excellence Awards



Presentation entitled "Progress and Prospects in the Development of Metal Supported Proton Conducting Ceramics for Steam Electrolysis and Other Electrochemical Energy Conversion Devices", by Noriko Sata (DLR)
Location: Dijon, Francce


Name of the Event

6th International Workshop: Prospects on Protonic Ceramic Cells (PPCC 2022)

Type of Event

Oral Presentation at Workshop



Presentation entitled "112CO2 Project", by Francisco Neto (Pixel Voltaic)
Location: Cambridge, UK


Name of the Event

Ignite programme - Entrepreneurship training programme

Type of Event

Oral Presentation at Training Session



Presentation entitled "Enabling COx-free hydrogen production at industrial scale through low-temperature catalytic methane decomposition", by Tiago Lagarteira (UPORTO)
Location: Lisbon, Portugal


Name of the Event

“Encontro do Colégio de Química da Universidade de Lisboa”

Type of Event

Oral Presentation at Summer School



Presentation entitled "Progress in the development of metal-supported-cell architecture with proton conducting ceramics", by Rémi Costa, Feng Han & Matthias Riegraf (DLR) (UPORTO)
Location: Lucerne, Switzerland


Name of the Event

15th European SOFC & SOE Forum (EFCF 2022)

Type of Event

Oral Presentation at Conference



Presentation entitled "112CO2 Project", by Paula Dias (UPORTO)
Location: Online


Name of the Event

Race Spotlight Event

Type of Event

Oral Presentation at Training Session



Presentation entitled "112CO2 Project", by Tiago Lagarteira (UPORTO)
Location: Entrepreneurial University of Munich (TUM), Germany


Name of the Event

"Moonshot Thinking for Entrepreneurs" Programme

Type of Event

Oral Presentation at Training Session



Presentation entitled "Tuning carbophilicity in supported Ni nanocrystal catalysts for methane decomposition: nanoscale effects of alloying with Ga", by Niloufar Atashi & Gonzalo Prieto(CSIC), Luís Alves & Adélio Mendes (UPORTO)
Location: Alicante, Spain


Name of the Event

The Spanish Catalysis Meeting for Junior Researchers

Type of Event

Oral Presentation at Conference



Presentation entitled "Making the decarbonization profitable – a great opportunity for Portugal", by Adélio Mendes (UPORTO)
Location: Porto, Portugal


Name of the Event

Engineering and Public Policy Seminars - "Energy Decarbonization – For seas never before sailed”

Type of Event

Oral Presentation at Seminar/Webinar



Presentation entitled "The involvement of stakeholders in the new energy paradigm: the case of Project 112CO2", by Cristina Parente, Jorge Cerdeira, Francisca Teixeira & Luigi Piantavinha (UPORTO)
Location: Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Porto, Portugal


Name of the Event

Thinking Citizen Science: Challenges and opportunities for the social sciences

Type of Event

Oral Presentation at Conference



Presentation entitled "The hydrogen paradigm in 112CO2 project: internal and external stakeholders engagement", by Cristina Parente, Jorge Cerdeira, Francisca Teixeira & Luigi Piantavinha (UPORTO)
Location: Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Porto, Portugal


Name of the Event

Annual Seminar of SMELNetwork – Sociomanagement and Economic Lusophone Network

Type of Event

Oral Presentation at Seminar/Webinar



Presentation entitled "Governance in the Energy Transition: challenges to the involvement of stakeholders on emerging issues", by Cristina Parente, Jorge Cerdeira, Francisca Teixeira & Luigi Piantavinha (UPORTO)
Location: Porto, Portugal


Name of the Event

III Seminário Desenvolvimento Socioeconómico numa Perspetiva Comparada entre Portugal e Brasil: Uma iniciativa SMEL Network – Social management & Economic Lusphone Network

Type of Event

Oral Presentation at Conference



Presentation entitled "Between Science and Utopia: Stakeholders’ Perception of the Hydrogen Paradigm", by Francisca Teixeira (UPORTO)
Location: Ferrara, Italy


Name of the Event

Green Utopia Now! A Transdisciplinary Symposium on How to Deal with Climate Crisis

Type of Event

Oral Presentation at Conference



Presentation entitled "Low-temperature catalytic methane decomposition for clean hydrogen production", by Tiago Lagarteira (UPORTO) & Francisco Neto (Pixel Voltaic)
Location: Barcelona, Spain


Name of the Event

The Collider - 2022 VB edition: Investment Committee

Type of Event

Oral Presentation at Seminar/Webinar



Poster entitled "The role of Ni foil structure on catalytic methane decomposition", by Luís Alves, Vítor Pereira, Tiago Lagarteira, Paula Dias & Adélio Mendes (UPORTO), Gonzalo Prieto (CSIC)
Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia


Name of the Event

22th European Meeting for Environmental Chemistry

Type of Event

Poster Presentation at Conference



Presentation entitled "New reactor approach for low-temperature catalytic methane decomposition", by Vítor Pereira, Luís Alves, Paula Dias, Fernando Pereira, Tiago Lagarteira & Adélio Mendes (UPORTO)
Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia


Name of the Event

22th European Meeting for Environmental Chemistry

Type of Event

Oral Presentation at Conference



Presentation entitled "Energy Transition: challenges to stakeholder involvement in emerging technologies", by Cristina Parente, Jorge Cerdeira, Francisca Teixeira & Luigi Piantavinha (UPORTO)
Location: Porto, Portugal


Name of the Event

Jornada de Investigação do Instituto de Sociologia da Universidade do Porto

Type of Event

Oral Presentation at Conference



Presentation entitled "Low-temperature catalytic methane decomposition – Carbon applications", by Tiago Lagarteira & Adélio Mendes (UPORTO)
Location: Online (Saudi Arabia)


Name of the Event

Aramco – Pyrolysis Technology and Carbon Workshop

Type of Event

Oral Presentation at Workshop



The 112CO2 Project

Coordinator address

Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto
Departamento de Engenharia Química
Rua do Dr. Roberto Frias, s/n
4200-465 Porto,



Funded by the Horizon 2020

Framework Programme of

the European Union

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 952219. The information and views set out in this report are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the European Union. Neither the European Union institutions and bodies nor any person acting on their behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained herein. desenvolvido por Bondhabits. Agência de marketing digital e desenvolvimento de websites e desenvolvimento de apps mobile